Sunday, July 10, 2005

Short weekend, over and done

Another quiet weekend in Maebashi-woe-be-gone. The weekend was darn short because I slept through half of it. Saturday seems to be the official zombie recuperation day. I electrocuted a few maggots this weekend, but the dumb things are floating up on me after one muscle fiber. Hmm... maybe there is something funky about the sylgard in these dishes. It is rather perplexing. My recordings started good today despite the floating problem, but there is another weirdness that I cannot explain. Why after recording at high frequency do the potentials shoot to -90, then upon withdrawing from the muscle fiber I have gained -30 in the bath potential? This is a consistent problem, I hope I can get some answers tomorrow.

I have taken up jogging. Hopeful cure for weekday insomnia. Today it was well worth the sweat as I found two very interesting looking shrines, the river-side pathway with a stunning view of the mountains, and a very nice mom-cat in the park with two shy kittens. The mother walked over and plopped on my lap for ten minutes of petting, then hopped up, said thank you in Japanese, then collected her kittens and strolled off down the sidewalk. It was very good medicine to have some quality cat-petting time. She has a half-tail with a kink in it. Very interesting.

I stopped at a gigantic store called "Yamada" today to buy a little CD player for the rig room. I found a Matrix soundtrack too, and can now triumph over the confines of my mind and residual self-image. Fear, doubt, disbelief, these will all be left behind as I learn to live beyond the rules....
Finding the CD player was not trivial. I walked into that store and thought I'd entered an alternate universe. I don't spend much time in electronics stores anyway, but this place was huge, full of weird looking computers, cameras and televisions I've never seen before, people were yelling in Japanese and handing out free toiletpaper, and every time I asked where the CD players were somebody would give me a long speech and point, and so I walked in that direction. After 6-7 of these speeches I finally found the OTHER gigantic store down the street. On the way down the escalator I looked over the edge to see 5-6 people laying flat out in strange big black chairs, completely motionless and expressionless. I was staring at them trying to figure out what the deal was and a Japanese guy standing next to them started motioning frantically to me yelling "Dozo! Dozo!" and pointing at an empty chair. Ahhhhhh. Chair demo. I'll have to try that next time. Wandering around the T.V. area I caught some of the sumo match I was supposed to be watching in Nagoya. Hehe. That might have traumatized me, maybe good that I didn't go.

I'm oughtta here, it's your turn with the sun, enjoy!


Blogger Ki said...

Just stopping by to say 'hey'. Enjoy peace on your side of the planet, Janele. I have to go shop for daughters and son-in-law - like to eat. Sorry about the rice pudding. Happy over the mama cat story. Mona

11:42 PM  
Blogger LionHeart said...

Just happen to be blog hopping and chanced upon yours. I really admire you, to work in a country which is of different culture and language. Hope all your presentations will run smoothly. Cheers.

11:58 PM  

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