Greetings from Dr. Jeckyl
I'm very happy today to have an adorable pet stag beetle. Two of them actually, Dr. Jeckyl and his evil wife Heidi. Tamura-san has an amazing collection of bugs and he brought them in today and gave me some. Dr. Jeckyl is very friendly and he's sitting on my thumb right now waving his antennae around. I think he's thinking very deep thoughts. I took him to journal club today and he kept me entertained as it was in Japanese and there were a few spells where there was just nothing to do.
More staining today and conquering Japanese microsoft excel. It's not too bad actually, all of the commands are in the same place so it doesn't really matter that I can't read them.
I ate some raw octopus for dinner, with tuna eggs on it. I also tried the raw tuna and raw salmon. And crab rice. I'm afraid the octopus is currently swimming around in my stomach and I need to stop thinking about it. My horror of the food has indeed numbed, but I do not like it. Yet. I keep telling myself that I will like everything in the future. Boredom with sandwiches can drive one to extremes.
Must go home and digest octopus lest it swim again.
Janel and the Japanese tako.
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