Lunatic in Japan
The theory here is that recordings go better at night, so I gave it a whirl. I had 3 really great ones, ten minutes at 10 Hz (unheard of at home!), then a good one that I lost because I messed up the dial on the recording range control, and the last one was just strange. I think he died. It would be nice to get more results. It would be nice to be tired at night like normal people.
I cooked some awesome food for dinner. I don't know what it was, but it contained rice with some kind of sauce, beef (I think) with some kind of sauce, and then some noodle pouch things mixed in. I'm breaking out of pizza-sandwich mode, watch out.
Had lots of fun catching a couple of crayfish with Ueno-san (postdoc) and Kenzi (grad student) in a little stream running through campus today. We tied a piece of squid to string and then pulled the crayfish out of the water (if they hung on tight enough) and put them in a bucket. Ueno-san said they were descendents of American crayfish that came over 100 years ago with blue frogs (the frogs ate them) as the Japanese were running low on another food source and needed to import frogs. I believe they ate the crayfish for dinner.
Best news of the day: Atsuko will take me to see horse racing in Narita July 30. There's no wiping the smile off this face! Something nice to dream about besides larvae breaking out of my skin or my landlords moving and forgetting where they put my horse. No wonder I don't want to sleep, good grief. I found a couple of new neighborhood cats on my little run today, but both were shy. Katie needs to come over here and spay some cats!
Yawn. Yawn. And there is still one other person left in the lab! Impressive.
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